Animated Font Poem

7 03 2012

Design Rationale:

1) For my images, I chose to do a clock with a sunrise coming up in the background. I chose these to represent the words “time” and “rising” as well as “glory”. I brought these images into Photoshop and changed the transparency of the photos and layered them together so you could see both the clock and sunrise.  I chose to keep both the images at their original size so it would look like the sunset was being reflected in the clock.  I did this by going to Image–>Image Size, and made both images 72 pixels and the same size.

2) I wanted the order of the words in the poem to appear one or two at a time and have them appear in order.  I also wanted to manipulate the words “falling” “rising” and “fall” to move fluently.  I did this by moving the words upward or downward a very small amount at a time and creating new frames.  I did not want it to be awkward and choppy so I moved the time to 0 so it would move fluidly.

3) I am most proud of conquering the timing of the words “rising” “falling” and “fall” and making them all fluent while keeping the rest of the poem on time. I am also proud of how the sunrise in the sky looks like it is reflected in the face of the clock.

If I had more time I would have worked on a different color scheme for the piece.  I also would have tried to change the fonts around to make the words look more natural and less choppy.



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